
For more on my publications, see my Google Scholar or ORCID pages.


Cohen, A., & Cohen, A. (2024). The role of practice in teacher education for democratic citizenship: Experiences of Israeli preservice teachers. The New Educator, 1–22.

Cohen, A. (2024). The transformative role of research in democratic civic education during times of armed conflict. Journal of Social Science Education 23 (2).

Nuseibeh, R. A., Cohen, A., Bekerman, Z. (2024). “They don’t really know what they’re getting into”: The impact of neoliberal and colonial policies within Israeli institutions of higher education on Palestinian Jerusalemite Students. Race Ethnicity and Education.

Demsky-Cohen, S., Cohen, A. (2024).  Promoting equity in civics education: Teaching marginalized students in Israel's remote areas. Teaching and Teacher Education. 145.

Muff, A., Cohen, A. (2024). From being a workforce to agents of change: An interpretive meta-ethnography of different approaches to participatory research with young people. Review of Educational Research.

Cohen, A. (2024). Beyond whiteness: Exploring pedagogical aspects of resistance to multicultural education. Multicultural Education Review.

Nuseibeh, R. A., Cohen, A., Bekerman, Z. (2023). Alone together: Experiences of Palestinian East Jerusalem students studying at an Israeli university. Higher Education.

Cohen, A., Gilead T. (2022). Introducing complexity theory to consider practice-based teacher education for democratic citizenship. Studies in Philosophy and Education.

Cohen, A., Bekerman, Z. (2021). The non-political classroom: The (dis)missed opportunities of an Israeli multicultural-bilingual high school civics course. The Journal of Social Studies Research.

Cohen, A., Eyal, O. (2021). Cross-Sector alliances for democratic civic education: Do they serve the common good? Peabody Journal of Education, 96(3), 319-329.

Cohen, A. (2021). Teaching to teach civics in fragile times: A conceptual framework. European Journal of Teacher Education, 44 (2), 249-270.

Cohen, A. (2020). Teaching to discuss controversial public issues in fragile times: Approaches of Israeli civics teacher educators. Teaching and Teacher Education, 89.

Cohen, A. (2019). From ideological tensions to pedagogical solutions: Narratives of Israeli Arab-Palestinian civics teachers. International Journal of Educational Development, 68, 96-104.

Cohen, A. (2019). Israel’s civic education wars: A review of the literature and theoretical implications. Educational Review, 71 (3), 287-305.

Cohen, A. (2018). Examining civic education pedagogies from a socio-cultural curricular perspective: Lessons from three Israeli classrooms. Citizenship Teaching and Learning, 13 (3), 311-327.

Cohen, A. (2018). Teaching the land of Israel as civic education: A historical exploration. Journal of Geography, 117 (2), 51-63.

Cohen, A. (2016). Between teachers’ perceptions and civic conceptions: Lessons from three Israeli civics teachers. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 49 (4), 542-560.

Cohen, A. (2016). Navigating competing conceptions of civic education: Lessons from three Israeli civics classrooms. Oxford Review of Education, 42 (4), 391-407.

Cohen, A. (2014). Methodological aspects of documenting civics classes in Israel. Journal of Social Science Education, 13 (2), 74-86.

Marri, A., Gaudelli, W., Cohen, A., Siegel, B., Wylie, S., Crocco, M, & Grolnick, M. (2012). Analyzing content about the federal budget, federal debt, and budget deficit in 12 mostly commonly used high school and college-level economics textbooks. Journal of Social Studies Research, 36 (3), 283-297.

Cohen, A. (2010). A theoretical model of four conceptions of civic education. Canadian Social Studies, 43(1), 17-28.

Chapters in collections

Cohen, A. (2019). Typologies of citizenship and civic education: From ideal types to a reflective tool. In: Andrew Peterson, Garth Stahl, and Hannah Soong (Editors). The Palgrave Handbook of Citizenship and Education. New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan.

Bekerman, Z.PI & Cohen, A. PI (2017). Diversities and citizenship education in Israel: A society ridden with conflict. In: James A. Banks (Editor), Global migration, structural inclusion, and citizenship education across nations (pp. 377-400). Washington, DC: American Educational Research Association.

Cohen, A. (2016). One size fits all? An exploration of the teaching of civics in Israel from the perspective of social justice. In: A. Peterson, R. Hattam, M. Zembylas & J. Arthur (Editors.), The Palgrave international handbook of education for citizenship and social justice (pp. 465-484). London: Macmillan Publishers. 

Cohen, A. (2013). Four dimensions of civic education: The teaching of Yediat Haaretz as a case study. In D. Avnon (Editor), Civic education in Israel (pp. 149-178). Tel Aviv: Am Oved Publishers [Hebrew].